12 Best SG 553 Skins in CS2 | Key-Drop Blog
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12 Best SG 553 Skins in CS2

KeyDrop Team

At $300 more than the AK, the SG is not an obvious choice for most players. But for some, it’s worth the extra spend—if that sounds like you, then maybe it’s time to give your COD gun a fresh coat of paint. Here are the best SG 553 skins in CS2 to get you started! 

1. Dragon Tech

Price: $0.40–$1.80

Can you believe this skin costs under $2?! Look at it, it’s awesome! From the green biomechanical dragon to the circuit board background visible in places, the design is intricate and eye-catching, and it’ll completely transform your SG 553 for literally a couple of bucks. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Dragon Tech

2. Colony IV

Price: $6–$45

Here’s another interesting one. Colony IV depicts a red ant (who’s seen better days, for sure) against a vibrant yellow background, with gas masks visible on the magazine and grip of the rifle. The whole thing gives off a cool horror/post-apocalyptic vibe, and it’s a great addition to any yellow CS2 loadout, too. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Colony IV

3. Darkwing

Price: $0.30–$2

Any fellow RPG fans out there, getting fire-lit dungeons, griffins, and talking ravens flashbacks when looking at this skin? Either way, it’s a cool choice, combining a fiery red background with dark feathers. Plus, the pattern on the scope gives the skin a dark, slightly creepy feel. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Darkwing

4. Phantom

Price: $0.40–$1.50

Time to switch things up a bit: here’s Phantom, with a completely different theme and vibe that’s closer to sci-fi. Everything in this design, from the combination of different patterns to the orange accents, makes this rifle look as if it belongs in the armory of a spaceship (possibly one envisioned by movie set designers of the 80s). 

Open cases with SG 553 | Phantom

5. Pulse

Price: $2.90–$4.70

Simple and effective, Pulse achieves a modern, vibrant look by combining bright pink and purple with a black background in an angular pattern. If you like this one, get a matching FAMAS | Pulse skin for around $7 and check out our list of the best pink skins in CS2 for more ideas. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Pulse

6. Hazard Pay

Price: $315–$940

Hazard Pay looks pretty basic at first glance, though a closer inspection will reveal small elements pointing towards a construction site theme. Note the caution tape on the magazine, for example, or the “hard hat area” symbol next to the trigger. 

It also happens to be the most expensive SG 553 skin in the game. Particularly Battle-Scarred Hazard Pays can reach the highest prices, as they are the rarest: the skin has a float range of 0,00–0,48. Note that the Souvenir version tends to be cheaper ($90–$250), so if you’re getting one to use rather than trade up, it could be a viable choice. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Hazard Pay

7. Cyrex

Price: $3–$15

Black, white, and red is a classic combination of colors, and Cyrex makes excellent use of it, achieving a modern and sleek look. Simple, straightforward, and elegant, Cyrex will make an excellent addition to virtually any loadout. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Cyrex

8. Ol’ Rusty

Price: $0.07–$0.20

And now for the opposite of modern: Ol’ Rusty goes for a distinctly vintage theme, as evidenced by the use of powder-blue reminiscent of old cars and the old-timey logo on the side of the rifle. Even in Factory New, Ol’ Rusty is, well, rusty, with colors becoming darker and less vibrant in higher float versions.  

Open cases with SG 553 | Ol’ Rusty

9. Aerial

Price: $0.15–$0.30

According to its creator, SLIMEface, Aerial was inspired by fighter jets. You can see this in the color scheme and the winged logo used in this design, but also in tons of other details, if you look closely. Note how the body of the rifle appears to be made of sheets of metal riveted together, or how the grip has a leather effect. Cool skin with a surprisingly low price. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Aerial

10. Triarch

Price: $0.35–$1.80

If you enjoy realistic-looking CS2 skins, then Triarch could be a good pick for you. It has a desert warfare look that’ll go well with pretty much any T-side agent skin. Plus, the gradients and the yellow accents used in this design give it a modern look that’s not too over the top. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Triarch

11. Integrale

Price: $5–$128

Speaking of things being over-the-top… You really can’t miss Integrale in any setting or lineup. Designed by Valve, this skin has a clear racing theme, with plenty of “sponsor” logos covering the brightly colored rifle. Good pick if you like eye-catching skins. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Integrale

12. Aloha

Price: $0.07–$0.20

Let’s tone things down a bit before we wrap up: Aloha has a calm, toned-down palette, featuring blue hibiscus flowers with purple leaves and a dark background. It won’t suit everyone’s taste, but if you’re after something unusual, this could be a good choice. 

Open cases with SG 553 | Aloha

That’s all we have for you today! What did you think of your choice of the best SG 553 skins in CS2? Let us know on social media, and remember to check out our other best-of lists (like the best AK-47 skins or M4A4 skins in CS2, since you’re into ARs). Have fun on Key-Drop, see you in the next post! 

KeyDrop Team


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