CS2 Float Guide: Wear Rating and Skin Conditions Explained | Key-Drop Blog
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CS2 Float Guide: Wear Rating and Skin Conditions Explained

KeyDrop Team

If you’ve been playing Counter-Strike for longer than a day, chances are you’ve already heard terms like float value, Field-Tested, or wear rating. In CS2, float affects everything from the look of the skin to its market value—which makes it pretty important, especially when you realize that a small difference in float can mean hundreds of dollars more for your CS2 skins. 

So if you think it’s time to get a better understanding of how float works, you’re in the right place—we’ll go over everything you need to know, and then some. 

CS2 Skin Float: What Is It? 

In CS2, skin float (or wear rating) determines how worn a skin looks. Skin conditions range from brand-new-looking to scuffed, scratched, and damaged, and the same skin can have vastly different looks depending on its float. 

The float value of a skin is expressed as a number (or fraction, really) between 0 and 1. The higher the float value, the more scratched up the skin will look. So, at 0, the skin is in absolutely pristine condition, but at 0.156, it’s likely to show some signs of wear. By 0.45, the skin will have reached a damaged condition, and at 1, it’s as scuffed as it can get. 

These numbers are fall into five ranges, or conditions: Factory New, Minimal Wear, Field-Tested, Well-Worn, and Battle-Scarred. In marketplaces and discussions about skins, you’re more likely to see these categories rather than exact numbers. 

Not every skin features the full spectrum of wear conditions—for some skins, the float value maxes out at a certain point before 1. For example, the AK-47 | Bloodsport has a maximum float value of 0.45, meaning that it doesn’t come in the “worst” Battle-Scarred condition. Similarly, the M4A1-S | Hot Rod (like all Hot Rod skins) only comes in Factory New and Minimal Wear conditions. 

How to Check CS2 Float

To check the float value of a skin in your inventory, right-click on it and select the “Inspect” option. Then, click on the “Info” button in the bottom menu. 

You’ll be able to see the wear rating of the skin (expressed as a number), alongside its pattern number and finish style. You can use the chart below to determine which category your skin falls into. 

CS2 Wear Rating Chart

Here’s a quick overview of the float ranges in CS2:

Wear conditionFloat range
Factory New0 – 0.07
Minimal Wear0.07 – 0.15
Field-Tested0.15 – 0.38
Well-Worn0.38 – 0.45
Battle-Scarred0.45 – 1

Note that these values are rounded to two decimal places—it’s actually more common to see much longer float values, like 0.28745764434 or 0.0302347389.


Skin Float vs. Value

In general, Factory New skins tend to be worth more than their worn counterparts. You can usually assume that low float value equals high skin value. The rarest skins can cost hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars more in Factory New, compared to Battle-Scarred. For instance, the AK-47 | Fire Serpent Factory New skin is often valued at around $2k more than a Battle-Scarred version. Unsurprisingly, many of the most expensive skins in CS2 ever sold have been Factory New or with Minimal Wear. 

That’s not a hard rule, however: as with everything collectible and tradable, it’s the individual item’s rarity that determines the price. It’s possible for skins to be rarer in the Minimal Wear condition than in Factory New. In such cases, the Minimal Wear version will likely be more expensive—simply because it’s harder to find.

Warning: basic math ahead. If you take a closer look at the table above, you’ll notice that some ranges are much larger than others. A larger range means a higher chance of drawing a particular wear rating, and therefore a lower rarity level (and value). This is why Field-Tested skins are sometimes slightly cheaper than their Well-Worn counterparts, even though they’re in better condition: there are more of them in circulation. 

(Math over.) 

Conditions and Float Values

One final point to make about the value of different skin conditions is that for the most part, it’s the range that matters, not the exact number. However, some players will look for skins on the lower end of a given range to get a good deal on a fresh-looking skin.

After all, an 0.156 Field-Tested M4A4 | Neo-Noir will look like a Minimal Wear, while an 0.374 will look Battle-Scarred. So, if you’re looking to buy good skins at a discount, it’s worth looking around for low-float skins. Hidden gems are easy to miss on Steam Marketplace, where the exact float value is not visible by default. Apps and browser extensions make it possible to see exact float values of skins in the Marketplace. 

Do CS2 Skins Wear Out? 

No, skins don’t wear out in CS2. (Phew!) This applies to both weapons and gloves. The float value of every skin in your inventory is fixed, meaning that its condition can’t change. So if you’re lucky enough to have landed yourself a Factory New skin, go ahead and use the hell out of it. No amount of shooting and fighting is going to wear it out. 

It follows that if skins don’t degrade, they also can’t be upgraded. At the time of writing, there’s no way to improve the condition of a skin in CS2. 

CS2 Float Ranges and Skin Conditions

Now that you know the basics, let’s examine each wear rating more closely, using the AK-47 | Frontside Misty as an example.

Factory New: Float Range 0–0.07


Crisp and vibrant, Factory New is often the most desirable condition of a skin. The float range here is quite small, so Factory New skins are relatively rare. Many players favor them for their aesthetics as well as their rarity: arguably, most skins look their “best” in this condition. 

Minimal Wear: Float Range 0.07–0.15


A keen eye will spot minor signs of wear-and-tear in this range, but the skin will still look intact, with bright and detailed paintwork. Because the range of Minimal Wear float is a tiny bit larger than Factory New, these skins can be slightly more expensive in marketplaces. It’s rare, but it does happen, as in the case of the Desert Eagle | Blaze

Field-Tested: Float Range 0.15–0.38


Scuff-marks, scratches, and faded paintwork will really start showing at this stage, even at the low end of the Field-Tested range. Notice that numbers-wise, this is one of the broadest ranges, so it’s one of the most common wear conditions. It also means that skins in this category can differ a lot from each other: a skin with 0.1567 float will look markedly newer than a 0.3599, even though they’re both Field-Tested. 

Well-Worn: Float Range 0.38–0.45


You can tell a Well-Worn weapon has seen some action in its virtual lifetime. On most AK-47 skins, you’ll start seeing noticeable wear on the magazine in particular. Many knives will show considerable wear on the blade at this stage, usually along the cutting edge. 

Battle-Scarred: Float Range 0.45–1


In Battle-Scarred conditions, parts of the paintwork are likely to be entirely gone, mimicking real-life wear and damage through prolonged use. Exactly how scuffed the skin looks depends on the design—some Battle-Scarred skins just show wear around the edges, while others are nearly unrecognizable. 

Battle-Scarred skins are among the most common drops, given their large float value bracket. This means their monetary value is usually low, although some players favor the rugged look of these skins over shiny Factory New conditions.

CS2 Wear Ratings: TL;DR

Here’s a roundup of the most important facts about CS2 skin float: 

  • Float ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 representing Factory New skins and 1 the most damaged, Battle-Scarred conditions. 
  • Skins with the lowest float values tend to be the most valuable, but rarity is also a factor.
  • Float affects every item type, including all guns, knives, and gloves. 
  • Skins do not wear out with time or use, and the wear rating can’t be changed in any way. 

That’s all! Whether you prefer the flawless look of a Factory New skin or the rugged feel of a Battle-Scarred, you now know exactly what float means and how it works. Good luck finding your favorite skins with your preferred float!

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